Prada 2024春夏時裝系列在Raf Simons與Miuccia Prada兩位設計師攜手打造下,於米蘭時裝周圓滿落幕。品牌於1913年由Mario Prada創立,到了其孫女Miuccia Prada手上,將它帶領成為義大利最具價值的時尚奢侈品牌之一。

被時尚圈尊稱為「Prada女士」的Miuccia Prada,是名副其實的「公主」,和許多窮困潦倒出身的設計師不同,是個從小在時尚名流圈中打滾,實實在在的富家千金。然而,她骨子裡的叛逆讓她成為最不像公主的公主。Prada有今日的地位,許多關鍵就是仰賴她的叛逆。

Prada作為家族事業,它之所以能躋身奢侈品牌之列,要歸功於家族中的女性。但諷刺的是,創辦人Mario Prada(Miuccia Prada外祖父)及其兄弟,卻是極度保守且具有強烈男性優越主義的大男人。或許就因如此,才造就Miuccia Prada叛逆的性格。在家她會穿得像個文靜淑女,到了外面就換上迷你裙,變成積極熱血新女性。

Miuccia Prada自小對時尚和藝術感興趣,本來想考藝術大學,但果不其然被傳統守舊的家族阻止,所以才轉而選擇截然不同的政治系。不過其實Miuccia Prada是個政治狂熱者,大學時參加各種共產主義、女權主義活動,但她全身名牌的富家千金身份,參加共產主義示威滿諷刺的,所以一度在時尚和政治之間很混亂,直到母親讓她接下家族事業。
和丈夫Patrizio Bertelli的愛情是吵出來的
Miuccia Prada接管Prada之後參加國際皮革博覽會,因而邂逅一生最重要的男人Patrizio Bertelli,現集團CEO。Miuccia Prada在博覽會上發現自家包包被抄襲,然後就被Patrizio Bertelli吐槽是Prada自己跟不上時代,一味堅守傳統。

Miuccia Prada氣歸氣,也看出Patrizio Bertelli的才華,因而邀請他加入集團,兩人在合作過程中擦出愛火,並攜手將Prada推向高端精品品牌之列。Patrizio Bertelli確實是非常有手腕的商人,最經典的案例就是引起GUCCI之爭,先是買進GUCCI股票,後又開高價給LVMH,看著LVMH和PPR爭個你死我活,自己從中獲得龐大利益。
Miuccia Prada或許天生反骨,就愛反其道而行。她發現爺爺用來保護皮革的防水布pocono,覺得拿來做包有何不可,於是在1979年創造了Prada尼龍後背包。這在當時算是創舉,當時包包都是皮革製,而尼龍一般作為降落傘、帳篷材料,和時尚沾不上邊。

這款價格不菲的尼龍包,推出後果然爭議不斷,不被市場接受,可Miuccia Prada就偏不信,認為尼龍包肯定會大受歡迎。她對了,1985年推出尼龍材質tote bag,創下Prada史上最大成功。
Miu Miu靠電影《羅密歐與茱麗葉》打開知名度
Prada是極簡主義和實用主義的結合,Miu Miu則是少女的化身。Miuccia Prada用名字前三個字母打造第二個品牌Miu Miu,目標客群鎖定20歲左右少女,所以Miu Miu設計風格活潑清爽、青春洋溢,有「富家千金代名詞」之稱。

Miu Miu於1996年透過電影《羅密歐與茱麗葉》打開知名度,片中主角們穿的服飾皆由Miu Miu提供。雖然它一度被視為Prada的副線,不算頂奢品牌,但這幾年不斷和「富家千金」綁在一起,甚至出現「穿Chanel不一定是有錢人,但穿Miu Miu一定是」的言論。據悉,Miu Miu這幾年確實是集團極大獲利來源,一舉拉動整個集團業績。

“What you wear is how you present yourself to the world, especially today when human contacts go so fast. Fashion is instant language.”
“If I have done anything, it is to make ugly appealing.”
「歸根究柢,Prada就是我,而Miu Miu則是我想成為的樣子。」
“Prada, at the end, is what I am, and Miu Miu is what I would like to be.”
「我的作品在男裝、女裝和Miu Miu之間流動,就像一個三角關係。但基本上,我想讓男人更感性,讓女人更堅強。」
“My work flows between men’s, women’s, and Miu Miu, so it’s like a triangle. But basically, I’m trying to make men more sensitive and women stronger.”
“Clothes were part of the protest, but the origins of those protests go deeper.”

“I am naturally attracted by opposites: I love luxury and yet I hate luxury. I struggle between democracy and exclusivity. I hate the idea of everybody wearing Prada.”
“For me, art is about learning and about living with people. It’s alive.”
“I’ve always tried to help women express themselves, to be free and do whatever they want. And be free from the judgment of men.”
“If you don’t work, if you depend on a man for your bread, how can you be happy?”
“You can wear the most powerful dress and not be powerful. You can dress like a stupid little girl and be super-powerful.”

“The struggle is the struggle – it’s for your soul and for your independence. And the struggle for the things you believe in. At least, that’s how I see my life.”
“You cannot do something just for the money. You have to do things you believe in and eventually you will make money.”
“I’m always thinking about the next thing. So I don’t enjoy anything.”
“I like life spent, in good or bad, doing something significant. Perhaps the only thing I fear is boredom.”
“I always wanted to be different. I always wanted to be first.”

“You have to always work against what you did before, and even against your taste.”
“I don’t believe that anyone is not bothered by critics. I think that everybody cares.”
“It’s horrible when people are only interested in buying labels, because it doesn’t bring them the happiness they think it will.”
Miuccia Prada獨具慧眼,用尼龍面料打造不取悅他人的Ugly Chic美學,擺脫家族「女人不該插手事業」的守舊思想,帶領Prada走向巔峰。她雖不是學設計出身的設計師,但其設計理念、人生哲學是Prada之所以迷人的靈魂。
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延伸閱讀:從Olsen Twins的經典名言解讀「奢華」